Trio at Jigg's Corner
Once again our trio headed up to Jigg's Corner to rehearse in front of an audience. It was a strange night; possibly, I was told, because the Moon was in Gemini again. But that's another story.
Jigg's is always good because there are a lot of people listening, including a smattering of musicians. (It's also good thanks to the bartender and kitchen, both of which do an excellent job.)
We did four tunes. Instead of doing the tunes as we usually would, we somehow ended up auditioning a drummer who we had never met. He sounded OK on the first tune, but that's about it. I brought the DX-7; I didn't sound good on the first tune because it requires a straight piano sound and extended range, neither of which the DX-7 has.
There weren't enough mikes on stage for me to have one to play the recorders into in the last number. So we ended up doing an imprompt "share the mic" slapstick routine. I used soprano, alto, and tenor recorders, working my way from big to small during the tune.